Weigel Draiange Ltd. specializes in total farm drainage systems. The business and personnel are government licensed to design and install farm drainage tile and belong to the LICO (Land Improvement Contractors of Ontario) association.
Farm Drainage
Weigel Drainage Ltd is commited to providing the very best drainage system based on the customers needs/wants and budget.
We use top of the line survey equipment to get the most accurate survey and are able to reference back to data points without the use of benchmarks.
We will incorporate erosion control structures, and surface water management structures into almost every systemetic drainage system.
New to 2014 we are providing our customers with a tillage survice that hills the tile runs and leaves the field in a more finished state
Erosion Control
Erosion control is becoming an increasingly important part of modern day farming. Weigel Drainage Ltd. is government licenced to design and install erosion control structures. With a combination of WASCoB's (Water and Sediment Control Basins) and proper farming practices, farms can retain the majority of topsoil and nutrients and virtually eliminate gully erosion.
Ditch Closing & Culverts
With a wide range of pipe sizes and materials available, Weigel Drainage offers its customers the ability to close ditches(with ministry approval) and install culverts.
HDPE single wall pipe can be installed up to a maximum size of 15". Dual wall HDPE and cement has much larger max. diameter for closing ditches.
We also have a selection of large diameter interlocking cement pipe; 54", 60", etc, for the use of culverts.